CuroGens’ CRM Solutions

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Manage your customers and capture more business opportunities with a CRM solution

Enterprise resource planning solutions, better known as ERP, are very common tools in the day to day of any type of company. It does not matter the size (be it small, medium or large) or the sector in which it is located (manufacturing, distribution, commercial or service companies).

These solutions, which are also called business management software, business software or company software, allow, among other benefits, the automation and management of all business processes. From production, purchasing, sales and warehouse, to finance, human resources, supply chain and projects.

Due to the large number of ERP solutions on the market today, choosing the perfect management system for a company can be a headache. Therefore, choosing a trusted partner with experience in implementing various types of ERP software can be decisive.


38.4% of Spanish SMEs already have a CRM program. By sectors, the one that trusts the most in a customer management system is the commercial sector (49.1%), followed by the service sector (42%), industry (30.8% and construction (30.2%). ).

5 steps to choose the best CRM solution

The implementation of CRM software is a great technological step for any company. Furthermore, its impact should not go unnoticed. For this reason, at Aitana, as specialists in the implementation of this type of solution, we indicate some keys that you must take into account if you are going to enter a project of this magnitude.

Step 1: Define goals and deadlines

Es importante definir una serie de objetivos que debe cumplir el software CRM que vayas a adquirir. Entre los principales objetivos se encuentra que sea fácil e intuitivo de utilizar, que proporcione informes de forma automática o que muestre métricas en tiempo real. Lo importante es que definas cuáles son las prioridades de tu departamento y el tiempo de implantación.

Step 2: Ask your team for feedback

Involving your employees is essential in this process, since they will be the end users of the CRM. Therefore, you should ask them for their opinion, identify what their needs are and value the experience they have when they try it. Ask for a demo so that they can work with it and let themselves tell their experience.

Step 3: Integrations to consider

If you are already using some management software and would like to integrate it with the CRM, you should find out if it can be done with the future system. Integrations between different programs are important to maintain the flow of information and have data always centralized.

Step 4: Analyze your infrastructure

Evaluate the hardware you have in your company and check if it is compatible with the CRM you have in mind. It is important not to take a false step and, above all, to have a good support service. Request a white paper on how CRM works on teams and make sure you meet the requirements.

Step 5: Evaluate and analyze the results

You will have to define an evaluation calendar to analyze the results that this software will give you. In this way, you will be able to measure the benefits, assess if you need to make improvements or if the implementation has been a success. Remember the goals you had initially and compare whether or not they have been met.

Benefits of a CRM solution

Our CRM management software solutions

At CuroGens we are specialists in the implementation of CRM software for Microsoft products. Currently, Microsoft’s CRM is called ClickDimensions, and it is characterized by increasing the sales force by detecting more opportunities, efficiently managing customers and allowing the company’s revenue to increase.

Comprehensive, standard and modular software that adapts to the needs of small, medium and large companies.