Control and track your shipments with Shipping Manager: Real-time Visibility

Home Control and track your shipments with Shipping Manager: Real-time Visibility

Control and track your shipments with Shipping Manager: Real-time Visibility

  1. Optimize your logistics operations with real-time visibility
  2. Accurate Tracking for a Better Customer Experience
  3. Alerts and notifications for proactive management.
  4. Integration with other systems for simplified management

Efficient shipment management is critical to the success of any business. Whether you’re shipping products locally or internationally, having a solution that gives you real-time visibility into your shipments can make all the difference in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. In this article, you’ll learn how Shipping Manager can help you monitor and track your shipments, giving you real-time visibility and enabling you to make informed decisions to improve your logistics operations.

Optimize your logistics operations with real-time visibility

Get a complete view of your logistics operations.

Lack of visibility into your shipments can lead to delays, additional costs and frustration for both your company and your customers. With Shipping Manager, you can enjoy real-time visibility of your shipments from the moment they are generated until they are delivered. This allows you to monitor the progress of your shipments, identify potential problems and take corrective action in a timely manner. By having a complete view of your logistics operations, you can optimize your processes and improve efficiency throughout the supply chain.

Accurate Tracking for a Better Customer Experience

Customer experience is a priority for any successful business. With Shipping Manager, you can provide your customers with accurate information about the status of their shipments. They no longer have to ask questions about the location of their products, as they can track them in real time through an online portal or receive automatic notifications about the progress of their shipments. This not only improves customer satisfaction, but also allows you to reduce costs associated with customer inquiries and complaints.

Alerts and notifications for proactive management.

You can take action to resolve problems.

Shipping Manager allows you to set up customized alerts and notifications to keep you informed of any changes in the status of your shipments. You can receive alerts about delays, changes in the delivery route or any other relevant event. This allows you to take proactive steps to resolve problems before they become costly situations. By being aware of any problems or setbacks, you can keep your customers informed and make quick and effective decisions to minimize the impact on your operations.

Integration with other systems for simplified management

Shipping Manager easily integrates with other systems and tools you use in your company, such as inventory management systems or e-commerce platforms. It also integrates with Dynamics 365 solutions. This integration further simplifies your logistics management by allowing you to synchronize data and automate workflows. You can automatically import shipment details, generate shipping labels and update shipment status in real time. This reduces the administrative burden and improves the accuracy of your logistics data.

Shipping Manager offers a comprehensive solution to control and track your shipments, giving you real-time visibility and enabling efficient logistics management. By optimizing your logistics operations, providing a better customer experience and making informed decisions, you can improve the efficiency of your shipments and increase customer satisfaction. Stop wasting time and resources manually managing your shipments.