How to integrate Dynamics 365 Supply Chain with other Office 365 applications

Home How to integrate Dynamics 365 Supply Chain with other Office 365 applications

How to integrate Dynamics 365 Supply Chain with other Office 365 applications

  1. Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
  2. Integration with Outlook
  3. Integration with Teams
  4. Benefits

Integrating Dynamics 365 Supply Chain with other Office 365 applications, such as Outlook and Teams, can significantly improve collaboration and communication in your company. How can you accomplish this integration and how can it help you improve collaboration and communication?

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain

You can integrate and access different Office 365 tools in one place.

Chain Management is a Microsoft application that allows you to manage your supply chain efficiently and accurately. By integrating this tool with other Office 365 applications, such as Outlook and Teams, you can have all your supply chain information in one place and access it easily. This saves you time and effort and allows you to make more informed decisions.

Integration with Outlook

You can both send and receive emails easily.

It allows you to send and receive emails from Microsoft Supply Chain, which will help you keep track of all your supply chain related communications. In addition, you can use this integration to create reminders and tasks and keep track of them from one place.

Integration with Teams

You can collaborate and communicate with your colleagues through Teams.

It offers you to collaborate and communicate with your team and other stakeholders in real time. You can use this integration to create communication channels dedicated to projects or areas of the company and to share files and documents. In addition, you can use this integration to conduct video calls and virtual meetings, which will help you stay connected with your team and other stakeholders even if they are not in the same location.


You will have different benefits with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain.

 In addition to improving collaboration and communication, integrating Dynamics 365 SCM with other Office 365 applications has other benefits. Some of the additional benefits of this integration include.

Increased efficiency

By having all your supply chain information in one place and accessing it easily, you can save time and effort and improve your company’s efficiency. Ideal for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain. 

Better decision making

By having access to detailed reports and analytics, you can make more informed decisions and improve supply chain efficiency.

Greater visibility

By sharing information and documents with your team and other stakeholders, you can improve supply chain visibility and make everyone aware of progress and needs.

Greater flexibility

By being able to collaborate and communicate with your team and other stakeholders through video calls and virtual meetings, you can work more flexibly and adapt to last-minute changes.

You need to consider that, integrating Chain Management with other Office 365 applications allows you to take full advantage of this tool and get more benefit from it. Why not try it today and see how it can improve collaboration and communication in your company and gain other additional benefits?