How to use Dynamics 365 Human Resources to automate HR processes

Home How to use Dynamics 365 Human Resources to automate HR processes.

How to use Dynamics 365 Human Resources to automate HR processes

  1. Steps to utilize Dynamics 365 Human Resources
  2. Access the application
  3. Configure the processes
  4. Create form templates
  5. Use the tracking module
  6. Set alerts and reminders
  7. Automate hiring and follow-up processes.

 Dynamics 365 Human Resources is an application within the Dynamics 365 platform designed to help companies manage their human resources processes more efficiently. With this application, you can automate various HR tasks, such as hiring and tracking staff training. This can help your company save time and reduce errors, resulting in improved productivity and efficiency.

You can automate hiring and tracking tasks

If you are interested in using Microsoft Dynamics Human Resources to automate your HR processes, here’s how you can do it, along with all the available tools provided by this application.

Steps to utilize Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Each of the steps you need to follow to access and properly use this amazing business management tool is explained below. 

Access the application

Log in through the Dynamics platform or through a web browser.

To get started, you will need to access the 365 HR application. You can do this through the Dynamics 365 platform or via a web browser.

Configure the processes

Once you’ve accessed the application, you’ll be able to configure the processes for hiring and tracking staff training. Microsoft 365 Human Resources includes setting hiring criteria, defining training plans and establishing training policies. Additionally, you can set time limits and designate individuals authorized to perform specific tasks.

Create form templates

Create templates to facilitate recruitment and follow-up processes.

Next, you can create form templates for the recruitment and follow-up processes of staff training. This will help you collect all the necessary information more efficiently. 

For example, you can create a form for job applications or a form for performance evaluations. By using templates, you can save time and ensure that all important information is included in the forms. All this can be achieved by using Microsoft 365 Human Resources.

Use the tracking module

Dynamics 365 Human Resources includes a tracking module enabling you to monitor all hiring and tracking staff training processes. 

With this module, you can see the real-time status of each process and get an overview of their progress. In addition, you can use the tracking module to assign tasks and set reminders to make sure everything is done on time.

Set alerts and reminders

Set alerts and reminders to keep everything under control

To make sure nothing gets past you, you can set alerts and reminders in Microsoft Dynamics Human Resources to notify you when a deadline is approaching or when your attention is required. 

For example, you can set an alert to notify you a week before a training certification expires or to remind you to review a job application. This way, you can take action before it’s too late and make sure everything is in order.

Automate hiring and follow-up processes

In addition to automating the hiring and tracking staff training processes, 365 HR also offers many other useful functionalities for human resources management. 

For example, you can use the application to monitor of employee information, such as their work schedules and training levels. You can also use it to track employee vacations and leaves and to manage salary payments.

Complete and seamless application for business management

Ultimately, Dynamics 365 Human Resources is a very complete and powerful application that can facilitate the automation of human resources processes and make the company much more efficient. 

If you are interested in using this application, we recommend that you start by setting up the processes for hiring and tracking staff training and using the form templates to collect information more efficiently. Then, you can explore the other features of the application to further enhance your company’s human resources management.